Sunday, November 05, 2006


One of my favourite trees is the bamboo (although it's officially a grass) [-- my other favourite tree is the baobab, but that's another story] so I was delighted to see that the Sunday NY Times Magazine has an article about bamboo's growing popularity in household uses [].

For a while, the bamboo was very in vogue and a lot of designers and interior decorators were using it for practically anything. At my own home, the kitchen floor is made of bamboo. The NY Times article however is not totally pro-bamboo. Apparently, its ecological virtues have been overestimated and its trendiness has created a backlash/fatigue among the fashionable crowds.

WHAAATevar... I still love bamboos. I have a friend whose family has a hugely successful business in Chiangmai (Thailand) making furniture and household/decor objects in bamboo. Their website is at: They also used to have a store in Montreal, on Greene Avenue, but now it's moved to the Plateau area and I don't have the new address.

And now, the famous Fighting-On-Bamboo-Tops scene from Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon:

And its obligatory parody perfume ad:


Anonymous said...

Tu en passes du temps sur youtube toi.

Buddhist with an attitude said...


Anonymous said...

Le Bamboo!!??? Si ce n est pas une des meilleure plante ou arbre.

Je me souviens l' an dernier on avait fait un water tank en enn sous sol, malheureusement le sol etait trop meuble, donc on a cogiter 2 mois, jusqu'à ce qu' un vieux se ramene et nous disent qu'on avait qu' a faire a l' ancienne: enfoncer des bamboos, une dizaine/m2 afin de consolider le sol.

Chapeau! 500m3 de water tank qui tient sur des bambous.

Mon arbre prefere aussi

Buddhist with an attitude said...

kca, bonjour! Génial, ton histoire du water tank! Ma tante habite dans la banlieue de Paris. Pour qu'elle ne soit pas trop dépaysée, mes cousins lui ont planté des bambous dans son jardin. Deux ans après, le voisin menace de la traîner en cour, parce que le bambou s'est propagé et a envahi son jardin. Il a fallu faire venir des ouvriers pour déterrer le bambou chez le voisin et mettre une barrière en métal autour des racines de la plante mère dans le jardin de ma tante.