Sunday, November 19, 2006

Moron in Chief

From Informed Comment []
«Bush went to Vietnam and boasted about how we would have won if we had not quit. This was, he said, the lesson for Iraq of the Vietnam War. He managed to be wrong about two wars at once and to anger both his hosts (how churlish!) and the Iraqi public. The American Right never admitted that they lost in Vietnam, thus the Rambo movies and, Melani McCallister argues, the US admiration for Entebbe. Iraq was their chance, they thought, to get it right. Bush had also said insulting things to the Philippines about how wonderful it was that we had colonized them (and killed 400,000).

Colonialism is over with. When will they get that through their heads?

At 1:18 PM, Boo said...
He boasted we could have won Vietnam IN VIETNAM??!!
Do they think he's been drinking again?»

Update 19 November
In the comments, KCA explains convincingly that Bush was misquoted, misunderstood, etc., so I'm withdrawing the finger and posting something nicer below. The title of the post stays, though, cause it's intrinsically true.

Duh.. Soooorry!


Anonymous said...

Il y a un probleme d interpretation et d'appreciation dans ton texte, et Dieu sait que Bush n est pas mon pote, mais le bon point lui revient. Il a bien parler, il s est bien comporter, et il semble apprecier Hanoi.

-Bush a dit : "We'll succeed," Bush added, "unless we quit." il parlait evidement de L Irak, et lorsque les journalistes ont tente de calquer l Irak sur sur le Vietnam, il a refuser cela en argumentant que le VN et l Irak ne sont pas comparable. Il a maintenu la confusion afin qu'on en puisse par le limitter a un Pour la guerre au VN ou Contre la guere du VN... C'est de la politique, mais des proches de Bush ont sous-entendu qu' il y etait contre.
Bush n a jamais militer contre la guerre du Vn, mais il n a jamais dit qu' il y etait favorable.

De plus il qualifier le Vn de jeune tigre et a dit : "For decades, you had been torn apart by war," Bush said later at a state banquet. "And today, the Vietnamese people are at peace and seeing the benefits of reform." Ce qui signifit que tout comme la demarche du PCV: il faut desormais aller de l avant.

La question qu' il faut se poser desormais est combien decenies la politique etrangere (assise entre 2 chaises: Chine/USA) du PCV pourra t elle tenir?

Buddhist with an attitude said...

Kca, je m'incline devant ton interprétation, parce que tu as un meilleur accès que moi aux informations. Si c'était n'importe quel autre politichien, je vérifierais pour m'assurer de la véracité des données avant de condamner, mais j'avoue qu'avec ton pote Bush ;-) j'ai tendance a croire le pire. Merci infiniment de la correction. Je retire donc le doigt.

Anonymous said...

Lenga.... voila la photo que tu attendais..
