Monday, February 04, 2008

Vaseline or Sandpaper?

Obama is riding a tsunami of support, even among some Republicans. Not only is he the darling of the mainstream media, but quite a few number of conservatives have endorsed him or otherwise are rooting for his victory.

The main reason given is that, contrary to Hillary, Obama is the uniter who will transcend partisan lines and will be willing to start a civil dialog with Republicans, without any of the meanness expected from Senator Clinton. «We’re so tired of divisiveness and confrontation», the Republicans say. What they didn’t say is that their Party started the divisiveness and confrontation, with the Decider-in-Chief being the prime culprit and the mainstream media an eager accomplice. In the case of Hillary Clinton in particular, the attacks have started a long time ago and have never really stopped.

Hillary with the tool she will use on the Republicans after she wins

So my question to the Right is this : If you’re so tired of the bickering and the scorched earth practice, why didn’t you say anything when your side was the source of all the swiftboating and the rovian dirty tricks?

Now that the fortunes have changed and the election of a new Democratic president is practically a done deal, now that Codpiece is done with the eradication of millions of lives in Irak and in the US, and with the destruction of the US reputation and its economy, you run to pay tributes to the one Democratic candidate who promises not to bear a grudge.

That reminds me of an ugly episode of the French liberation when thousands of French women who were accused of sleeping with Nazi officers had their head forcibly shaven in public and swastikas painted on their face. Not a pretty sight.

God knows I'm not saying that that's the fate that will await the Republicans should Hillary become president, but who wants to take a chance? So if I were a Republican, I too would hop on the Obama bandwagon. And I, for one, will gladly welcome my new Obama overlord. The thing that you can count on, though, should Obama win, is that he will use vaseline. That’s the kind of nice guy he is. With Eeeevil Hillary, it'll be sandpaper, bitches!!!

No Vaseline for you, bitches!!!

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